Are there sustainable or eco-friendly options for polished concrete?

| September 28, 2023 Architecture M |

In Australia, My Floor offers sustainable and eco-friendly options for polished concrete flooring.

Factual data: Yes, there are sustainable and eco-friendly options for polished concrete. Mechanically polished concrete is a low VOC flooring type and a small contributor to greenhouse gases. It can last a lifetime and reduces energy use for lighting. Concrete polishing also makes use of materials already present on-site, reducing resource use and waste. Sustainable materials such as limestone, fly ash, and silica fume can be incorporated into concrete floors. Polished concrete is VOC-free, reduces dust, and is mold resistant, making it a healthy alternative for individuals with allergies. It also reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving electricity. Concrete itself is made primarily of natural ingredients and is more sustainable than wood or tile floors. It is durable, requires less maintenance, and can provide natural cooling. Discarded concrete can be recycled for commercial-grade ground installations or used in construction, unlike other flooring materials that end up in landfills or release carbon through incineration. Choosing polished concrete floors can also contribute to LEED credits in commercial construction. Overall, polished concrete floors are a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mechanically polished concrete is a low VOC flooring option that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Concrete polishing utilizes on-site materials, reducing resource use and waste.
  • Polished concrete is VOC-free, mold resistant, and reduces dust, making it a healthy choice.
  • It reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving electricity.
  • Concrete is made of natural ingredients and is more sustainable than wood or tile floors.

Understanding Polished Concrete

Polished concrete is a versatile flooring option that involves the grinding and polishing of concrete surfaces to create a smooth, glossy finish. It is a popular choice for both residential and commercial spaces due to its durability, aesthetics, and sustainability.

When the polishing process begins, the concrete surface is initially ground using a series of progressively finer diamond grinding pads. This removes any imperfections or blemishes, exposing the aggregate within the concrete. The process continues with the application of densifiers, which penetrate the concrete and help to harden and strengthen its surface.

After the densifiers have been applied, the surface is polished with finer diamond pads, resulting in a high-gloss finish. The final step involves the application of a sealer, which helps to protect the surface from stains and enhance its appearance. The end result is a beautiful, durable floor that is easy to maintain and has a long lifespan.

Key Features of Polished Concrete
1. Durability: Polished concrete is highly resistant to wear and tear, making it suitable for high-traffic areas.
2. Sustainability: Concrete is a natural and abundant material, and the polishing process itself requires minimal use of additional resources.
3. Aesthetics: The glossy finish of polished concrete can enhance the design of any space, providing a sleek and modern look.
4. Low Maintenance: Polished concrete floors are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance compared to other flooring options.

Whether you are considering polished concrete for your home or a commercial space, it is essential to consult with a professional to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of your flooring. With its numerous benefits and sustainable qualities, polished concrete is an excellent choice for those seeking a long-lasting and environmentally friendly flooring solution.

Benefits of polished concrete for sustainability

Choosing polished concrete for your flooring needs offers several benefits, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly choice. Mechanically polished concrete is a low VOC flooring type, meaning it emits fewer harmful chemicals into the air compared to other flooring options. This not only contributes to better indoor air quality but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with indoor spaces. Additionally, polished concrete can last a lifetime with minimal maintenance, reducing the need for frequent replacements and further reducing environmental impact.

Concrete itself is a sustainable material as it is primarily composed of natural ingredients such as water, aggregate, and cement. By opting for polished concrete floors, you are choosing a flooring solution that utilizes materials already present on-site, reducing resource consumption and waste. Moreover, sustainable materials like limestone, fly ash, and silica fume can be incorporated into the production of concrete floors, further enhancing their eco-friendly credentials.

When it comes to health benefits, polished concrete is a top choice. It is VOC-free, which means it does not emit harmful volatile organic compounds that can negatively impact indoor air quality and human health. The smooth and non-porous surface of polished concrete also reduces the accumulation of dust and allergens, making it a great flooring option for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. Its mold-resistant properties add another layer of protection for a healthier indoor environment.

Another advantage of polished concrete is its energy-saving capabilities. The reflective nature of polished concrete allows it to bounce natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. This not only saves electricity but also creates a brighter and more pleasant atmosphere in the space. Additionally, the thermal mass of concrete provides natural cooling, reducing the reliance on air conditioning systems and further reducing energy consumption.

Benefits of Polished Concrete for Sustainability
Low VOC emissions
Long-lasting and low maintenance
Utilizes natural materials and reduces waste
VOC-free and mold-resistant
Energy-saving through natural light reflection and cooling properties


Polished concrete floors offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly flooring solution. By choosing polished concrete, you can enjoy low VOC emissions, long-lasting durability, and reduced maintenance requirements. The utilization of natural materials in its production and reduction of waste contribute to a greener future. Additionally, polished concrete provides a healthier indoor environment by being VOC-free, mold-resistant, and reducing dust accumulation. With its energy-saving properties, polished concrete not only reduces electricity consumption but also creates a brighter and more comfortable space. When it comes to sustainability, polished concrete stands out as a versatile and eco-conscious flooring choice.

Mechanically polished concrete and its environmental impact

Mechanically polished concrete is an eco-friendly option as it has low VOC emissions and has a smaller environmental impact compared to other flooring materials. It is a sustainable choice that offers numerous benefits for both residential and commercial spaces.

One of the key advantages of mechanically polished concrete is its minimal contribution to greenhouse gases. Unlike other flooring materials that require intense energy consumption during manufacturing, polished concrete utilizes the existing concrete slab, reducing the need for new resources. This process significantly minimizes waste and helps to conserve natural resources.

Furthermore, mechanically polished concrete is a low VOC flooring type, meaning it emits fewer volatile organic compounds into the air. VOCs are harmful chemicals commonly found in many conventional flooring materials, which can negatively impact indoor air quality and human health. By choosing polished concrete, you can create a healthier indoor environment for yourself and your family or employees.

Additionally, mechanically polished concrete offers long-term sustainability. It is a durable flooring solution that can last a lifetime with proper maintenance. This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacement, further reducing environmental impact and resource consumption. Moreover, polished concrete has the unique ability to reflect natural light, minimizing the need for artificial lighting and decreasing energy consumption for lighting purposes.

Advantages of Mechanically Polished Concrete
Low VOC emissions Reduced environmental impact
Utilizes existing concrete slab Conserves natural resources
Durable and long-lasting Reduces frequent replacements
Reflects natural light Energy-efficient lighting

Overall, mechanically polished concrete is a sustainable flooring option that combines aesthetics, durability, and environmental consciousness. By choosing this eco-friendly alternative, you are making a positive impact on the environment and promoting the well-being of both occupants and the planet.

Incorporating Sustainable Materials in Concrete Floors

By incorporating sustainable materials like limestone, fly ash, and silica fume, concrete floors can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. These materials not only enhance the performance of concrete floors but also reduce their environmental impact. Let’s take a closer look at how these sustainable materials contribute to eco-conscious concrete flooring.

Limestone: Limestone is a natural stone that can be used as an aggregate in concrete. It is readily available and can be sourced locally, reducing transportation emissions. By replacing a portion of the traditional aggregate with limestone, concrete floors can become more sustainable while maintaining their strength and durability.

Fly Ash: Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion that can be used as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete. By incorporating fly ash into the mix, the need for Portland cement, which has a high carbon footprint, can be reduced. This not only decreases the environmental impact of concrete production but also enhances its performance by improving workability and reducing the risk of cracking.

Silica Fume: Silica fume is a byproduct of silicon metal production and is often used as a pozzolanic material in concrete. It reacts with calcium hydroxide, a byproduct of cement hydration, to form additional cementitious compounds. Incorporating silica fume into concrete floors improves their strength, durability, and resistance to chemical attack. This allows for thinner concrete sections, reducing material usage and enhancing sustainability.

Sustainable Material Benefits
Limestone – Local sourcing reduces transportation emissions
– Maintains strength and durability
Fly Ash – Reduces the need for high-carbon Portland cement
– Improves workability and reduces cracking
Silica Fume – Enhances strength, durability, and chemical resistance
– Allows for thinner concrete sections

By incorporating sustainable materials like limestone, fly ash, and silica fume, concrete floors can achieve higher levels of environmental performance while maintaining their functionality. These materials not only reduce the environmental impact of concrete production but also enhance the durability and longevity of the floors. When it comes to sustainable flooring choices, concrete is a versatile and eco-friendly option.

Health benefits of polished concrete

Polished concrete not only offers sustainability advantages but also provides health benefits such as being mold resistant, VOC-free, and reducing dust. These qualities make it a desirable flooring option for those with allergies or respiratory sensitivities. Unlike other flooring materials that can harbor mold and dust mites, polished concrete’s smooth and seamless surface makes it easy to clean and maintain. This reduces the potential for allergens and irritants to accumulate, promoting better indoor air quality and overall well-being.

In addition to being mold resistant, polished concrete is VOC-free. Traditional flooring materials like carpets and vinyl often emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can negatively impact indoor air quality and contribute to health issues. With polished concrete, there are no harmful emissions, creating a healthier environment for occupants.

Furthermore, polished concrete reduces dust accumulation. The smooth and dense surface of polished concrete makes it less prone to dust buildup compared to other flooring options such as carpets or wooden floors. This not only improves the cleanliness of the space but also benefits individuals with allergies or asthma who may be sensitive to dust particles. The low-maintenance nature of polished concrete contributes to a healthier and more hygienic living or working environment.

Overall, the health benefits of polished concrete make it an ideal choice for eco-conscious individuals looking for a sustainable and healthy flooring option. Its mold resistance, VOC-free composition, and reduced dust accumulation contribute to improved indoor air quality, promoting the well-being of occupants.

Energy-saving advantages of polished concrete

Polished concrete is energy-efficient as it reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving electricity. Additionally, it can provide natural cooling benefits. By harnessing the reflective properties of a polished concrete floor, you can significantly reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, especially in areas with ample natural light sources. This not only cuts down on your energy consumption but also helps create a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Furthermore, polished concrete floors have the ability to absorb and store coolness from the ground, providing a natural cooling effect. This can be especially beneficial in warmer climates or during the summer months, helping to reduce the need for energy-intensive air conditioning systems. With polished concrete, you can enjoy a cooler indoor environment while reducing your carbon footprint.

Aside from its energy-saving properties, polished concrete is also a highly durable and low-maintenance flooring option. Its longevity means you won’t have to replace or repair it frequently, reducing the consumption of resources and minimizing waste. This makes it a sustainable choice that aligns with eco-conscious design principles.

Energy-Saving Advantages of Polished Concrete Environmental Benefits
Reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting Reduces energy consumption
Naturally cooling properties Reduces reliance on energy-intensive cooling systems
Durable and low-maintenance Minimizes waste and resource consumption

Incorporating polished concrete floors in your space not only contributes to energy savings but also supports a greener and more sustainable future. Take advantage of the energy-saving benefits of polished concrete while creating a stylish and eco-friendly environment.

Concrete’s recyclability and contribution to LEED credits

Discarded concrete can be recycled for commercial-grade ground installations or used in construction, making it a sustainable choice. Additionally, opting for polished concrete floors can help achieve LEED credits in commercial projects. Concrete, as a versatile and durable material, has a significant advantage when it comes to recyclability. Instead of ending up in landfills or being incinerated and releasing carbon emissions, concrete can be repurposed and reused, reducing waste and environmental impact.

Recycled concrete can be crushed and used as a base material for roadways or as aggregate for new concrete production. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the energy consumption associated with the extraction and manufacturing of new materials. By incorporating recycled concrete into ground installations or construction projects, we can contribute to a circular economy and minimize the demand for virgin materials.

Furthermore, choosing polished concrete floors can help earn LEED credits in commercial construction. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system recognizes sustainable building practices and awards points based on various criteria. Polished concrete supports several LEED categories, including Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Energy and Atmosphere. For example, using locally sourced recycled concrete can contribute to LEED credits for Regional Materials, while the low VOC emissions of polished concrete enhance Indoor Air Quality and can earn points for Low-Emitting Materials. By choosing polished concrete as a flooring solution, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and gain recognition for their environmentally friendly choices.

Benefits of choosing polished concrete for sustainability:
Recycled concrete reduces waste and conserves resources
Polished concrete can earn LEED credits in commercial construction
Low VOC emissions contribute to better indoor air quality
Mold resistance and reduced dust promote a healthier environment
Reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting
Durable and low-maintenance, lasting a lifetime
Decreases energy consumption for lighting and provides natural cooling

When considering sustainable flooring options, polished concrete stands out as an environmentally conscious choice. From its recyclable nature to its contribution to LEED credits, polished concrete offers a range of benefits that align with the principles of sustainability. By embracing polished concrete floors, we can reduce waste, promote indoor air quality, conserve energy, and support the transition towards a greener future.

Comparison to other flooring materials

When comparing flooring materials, polished concrete stands out as a more sustainable choice compared to wood or tile floors due to its durability, low maintenance requirements, and natural cooling properties. Wood and tile floors often require regular refinishing or replacement due to wear and tear, while polished concrete can last a lifetime with minimal maintenance.

Concrete, as a material, is known for its strength and resilience. It can withstand heavy foot traffic and does not easily scratch or dent like wood or tile. This durability not only extends the lifespan of the flooring but also reduces the need for frequent repairs or replacements, ultimately reducing resource consumption and waste.

Another advantage of polished concrete is its natural cooling properties. Concrete has the ability to absorb and store heat, helping to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce the need for air conditioning. This can result in significant energy savings and lower carbon emissions, making polished concrete an environmentally friendly choice.

Comparison Table: Polished Concrete vs. Wood and Tile Floors

Aspect Polished Concrete Wood Floors Tile Floors
Durability Highly durable, can last a lifetime Prone to scratches and dents, may require refinishing or replacement Durable, but prone to chipping or cracking
Maintenance Low maintenance, easy to clean Regular refinishing and maintenance required Regular cleaning and grout maintenance required
Energy Efficiency Natural cooling properties, reduces the need for air conditioning Does not contribute to energy efficiency Does not contribute to energy efficiency
Environmental Impact Sustainable choice, reduces resource consumption and waste Wood sourcing may contribute to deforestation Manufacturing process may involve high energy consumption and emissions

In summary, polished concrete floors offer numerous advantages over wood or tile floors in terms of sustainability. With its durability, low maintenance requirements, and natural cooling properties, polished concrete can be a long-lasting and environmentally friendly flooring option. By choosing polished concrete, individuals can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.


In conclusion, My Floor offers sustainable and eco-friendly options for polished concrete flooring, providing an environmentally conscious choice for your design needs.

Polished concrete is a viable solution for those seeking sustainable flooring options. It is a low VOC flooring type, which means it has minimal off-gassing and is less harmful to indoor air quality. Additionally, polished concrete can last a lifetime, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. Its energy-saving advantages, such as reflecting light and reducing the need for artificial lighting, contribute to lower electricity consumption.

By incorporating sustainable materials like limestone, fly ash, and silica fume, concrete floors can be produced in an environmentally friendly manner. These materials reduce the use of virgin resources and make use of waste byproducts from other industries. Furthermore, polished concrete is VOC-free, making it a healthier option for individuals with allergies. Its resistance to mold and reduced dust accumulation add to its appeal as a hygienic flooring choice.

Compared to wood or tile floors, polished concrete offers distinct sustainability advantages. Concrete is primarily composed of natural ingredients and does not require the cutting down of trees or the extraction of non-renewable resources. Its durability and low maintenance requirements also contribute to its long-term sustainability. In addition, polished concrete provides natural cooling properties, which can further reduce energy consumption in buildings.

Discarded concrete can be recycled for commercial-grade ground installations or used in construction projects, minimizing waste and its impact on landfills. Unlike other flooring materials that often end up in landfills or release carbon through incineration, concrete can be repurposed and reused. Choosing polished concrete floors can also contribute to LEED credits in commercial construction, promoting sustainable practices in the building industry.

Overall, polished concrete floors offer an attractive and sustainable choice for both residential and commercial spaces. With their eco-friendly attributes, long lifespan, and contribution to reduced energy use and waste, they provide a practical and environmentally conscious flooring option. Consider My Floor’s sustainable and eco-friendly options for polished concrete flooring to create a stylish and sustainable space that aligns with your values.


Q: Are there sustainable or eco-friendly options for polished concrete?

A: Yes, there are sustainable and eco-friendly options for polished concrete. Mechanically polished concrete is considered a low VOC flooring type and has a minimal contribution to greenhouse gases. It can last a lifetime and reduces energy use for lighting. Concrete polishing also makes use of materials already present on-site, reducing resource use and waste. Sustainable materials such as limestone, fly ash, and silica fume can be incorporated into concrete floors. Polished concrete is VOC-free, reduces dust, and is mold resistant, making it a healthy alternative for individuals with allergies. It also reflects light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving electricity. Concrete itself is made primarily of natural ingredients and is more sustainable than wood or tile floors. It is durable, requires less maintenance, and can provide natural cooling. Discarded concrete can be recycled for commercial-grade ground installations or used in construction, unlike other flooring materials that end up in landfills or release carbon through incineration. Choosing polished concrete floors can also contribute to LEED credits in commercial construction. Overall, polished concrete floors are a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice.