Are Polished Concrete Floors Cold?

Concrete flooring is durable, resistant to fire and dampness, and beautiful to the eye. Therefore, this is one of the most common flooring materials used in homes and commercial spaces. However, one of the most common questions revolving around concrete floors is, “are polished concrete floors cold?”. The simple answer to this question is that concrete floors are not cold. Below, we explain more.

High Thermal Mass Material

Naturally, some materials absorb more heat than other flooring materials. This ability to absorb heat is known as thermal mass. The Polished concrete floors can absorb heat and hold on to it for longer than other materials such as carpets, tiles, and laminate flooring. Therefore, concrete has a high thermal mass. Therefore, concrete floors can keep a rather consistent temperature in both summer and winter, which means the temperature will always be well regulated at all times.

Is It Necessary to Heat and Cool the Floor?

Since concrete has a high thermal mass, it may not be a necessity to warm or cool your floor, especially in a state like Florida, where winters are fairly warm and not uncommon to step on a warm concrete slab in the early hours of the day. However, if you still feel the need to install cooling and heating on your polished-concrete floor, you will notice that concrete keeps heating and cooling bills at a minimum, even during the winter. You can install a radiant floor heating system or a hydronic heating system to ensure full insulation.

Concrete floors experience a thermal, lag-which is a 12-hour time delay- during the winter. Therefore, the floor will heat up during the day and release the heat at night. Then, the sun will rise the next day and heat the floor again.

Apart from the high thermal mass of concrete flooring, flooring with concrete has another benefit. Concrete is environmentally friendly and sustainable, which means that it promotes energy efficiency. As a result, this material is used in passive solar building design. The passive solar building design takes advantage of the climate of an area to create a comfortable temperature that will cancel the need for the installation of cooling and heating systems.

Concrete Floors for Residential Homes

Most people relate the use of concrete with commercial areas. Traditionally, this is true as it is used in warehouses and factories for strength, low maintenance, and durability. However, concrete can have a hard look to it in such places as it’s mostly grey.

However, this is a thing of the past. Today, the urban industrial trend is taking over and putting the age of harsh concrete completely behind us. Today, concrete can make edgy, modern floors that create a sense of character and warmth.

Furthermore, a concrete surface does not have to be gray. When polished, concrete comes in various aggregates, colors, and glosses. Therefore, you must consider the aggregate level, gloss, and color you want before starting your project.

Reach out to the Concrete Experts Today

So, is polished concrete cold? No, polished concrete has a high thermal mass and is warm.

Concrete flooring is a unique and stylish alternative in residential and commercial spaces. However, to make perfect design choices and make the most of this type of flooring, you need to contact experts in the area. Reach out to us at My Floor for all your concrete floor needs.

Concrete flooring is durable, resistant to fire and dampness, and beautiful to the eye. Therefore, this is one of the most common flooring materials used in homes and commercial spaces. However, one of the most common questions revolving around concrete floors is, “are polished concrete floors cold?”. The simple answer to this question is that concrete floors are not cold. Below, we explain more.

High Thermal Mass Material

Naturally, some materials absorb more heat than other flooring materials. This ability to absorb heat is known as thermal mass. The Polished concrete floors can absorb heat and hold on to it for longer than other materials such as carpets, tiles, and laminate flooring. Therefore, concrete has a high thermal mass. Therefore, concrete floors can keep a rather consistent temperature in both summer and winter, which means the temperature will always be well regulated at all times.

Is It Necessary to Heat and Cool the Floor?

Since concrete has a high thermal mass, it may not be a necessity to warm or cool your floor, especially in a state like Florida, where winters are fairly warm and not uncommon to step on a warm concrete slab in the early hours of the day. However, if you still feel the need to install cooling and heating on your polished-concrete floor, you will notice that concrete keeps heating and cooling bills at a minimum, even during the winter. You can install a radiant floor heating system or a hydronic heating system to ensure full insulation.

Concrete floors experience a thermal, lag-which is a 12-hour time delay- during the winter. Therefore, the floor will heat up during the day and release the heat at night. Then, the sun will rise the next day and heat the floor again.

Apart from the high thermal mass of concrete flooring, flooring with concrete has another benefit. Concrete is environmentally friendly and sustainable, which means that it promotes energy efficiency. As a result, this material is used in passive solar building design. The passive solar building design takes advantage of the climate of an area to create a comfortable temperature that will cancel the need for the installation of cooling and heating systems.

Concrete Floors for Residential Homes

Most people relate the use of concrete with commercial areas. Traditionally, this is true as it is used in warehouses and factories for strength, low maintenance, and durability. However, concrete can have a hard look to it in such places as it’s mostly grey.

However, this is a thing of the past. Today, the urban industrial trend is taking over and putting the age of harsh concrete completely behind us. Today, concrete can make edgy, modern floors that create a sense of character and warmth.

Furthermore, a concrete surface does not have to be gray. When polished, concrete comes in various aggregates, colors, and glosses. Therefore, you must consider the aggregate level, gloss, and color you want before starting your project.

Reach out to the Concrete Experts Today

So, is polished concrete cold? No, polished concrete has a high thermal mass and is warm.

Concrete flooring is a unique and stylish alternative in residential and commercial spaces. However, to make perfect design choices and make the most of this type of flooring, you need to contact experts in the area. Reach out to us at My Floor for all your concrete floor needs.